Saturday, April 17, 2010

"T" Week Comes to an End

After a very fun-filled week talking and working with the letter "T" we all celebrated with "T" Day! What an amazing day! We all wore our t-shirts and tennis shoes, made and ate a tree for snack, played great games and finally had a very special guest twirl her baton!

Let's start with those wonder trees that we made a snack time.
The bark of the tree was a 1/4 of a graham cracker and the top was 1/2 graham cracker topped with Mrs. Karen's homemade vanilla icing, colored green of course! We have discovered that it is more fun to just use our fingers to spread the icing. I loved hearing the students tell their parents that they "ate a tree today" when they were picked up.
We also played "T" games! First we played "Toss the Tops". Earlier in the week I had asked my fellow teachers to bring me any and all plastic bottle tops (WOW, I never expected to get so many!). My class had been using them all week playing sorting games. I took several garbage cans and buckets and everyone took turns trying to toss the tops. Simple game - lots of fun!
Next, I brought in my son's old batting tee (and I forgot that it was well used and very dirty but that seemed to be the "best" part). I knew that using a baseball wasn't going to be a good idea so we used a kick-ball instead. We are fortunate to have a very long hallway in the back of the school so we lined everyone up and took turns (I like to find anyway I can to practice sharing!). It was a bit HIT! :)
The finale of the day was my fellow teacher, Mrs. Amanda. It seems that she was a majorette in high school and she is an amazing baton "twirler". Oh my, you should have seen the faces of the children when Mrs. Amanda start twirling two then three batons!!! It was the perfect way to end "T" Day!

As you can imagine everyone left us smiling and very tired! Gotta love "T" day!

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